3rd International Congress on Recent Innovations in Engineering, Science and Technology - Istanbul - Turkey (2022-06-24)
Disaster Recovery And Administration Portal
Disaster Recovery and Administrative Portal is a place that allows every individual/citizen to register about the damage/problem caused to them due to the disaster. As there is a
significant upsurge in digital information throughout the Government ecosystem, there is an increased need to prepare our digital ecosystems to overcome any disasters. According to the data received by the users, the team can classify them into types of disasters and impacts caused due to them. This data will also be provided to the rescue team, which is on its way to the disaster zone, this data will help them carry out the rescue operation more easily and efficiently, which in turn will save time and in case of rescue operations "TIME" is everything.
Mr. Abhaykumar Singh, Mr. Ayush Singh, Mr. Tanmay Kanse, Dr. Swati Sinha