Needed Infrastructure In The Indonesia - Malaysia Border Area Development (case Studies In Sei Aruk, Sambas District, West Kalimantan)

Border area is geographically adjacent to neighboring countries with the primary function of maintaining state sovereignty and public welfare. Area in question is part of the provinces, districts or cities that directly intersect with national boundaries (or territory) and / or that have a functional relationship (linkage) and has a strategic value for the state. The border area is considered strategic because it involves the national lives of many people in terms of the interests of political, economic, social and cultural as well as defense and security (poleksosbudhankam) both located on land, sea or air. The border area is geographically adjacent to neighboring countries with the primary function of maintaining state sovereignty and public welfare. Area in question is part of the provinces, districts or cities that directly intersect with national boundaries (or territory) and / or that have a functional relationship (linkage) and has a strategic value for the state. To realize the necessary research on the development of the area, based on good practices from other countries some of the city that can meet all these challenges and at least can be applied with minor changes / adjustments. Furthermore, the application must be supported by the availability of funds. This study to discuss about any problems either obstacles or things that drive to develop function becomes an ideal border area with major support infrastructure for housing, transportation, energy availability, and distribution of clean water which will strengthen in its function which consists of five pillars, namely: central community service; trade and distribution center; financial center; tourism center; related to the field of community development. Articulation between key stakeholders such as government, private, and community is a major concern in this study, including in determining the appropriate financing schemes. The results of this study will be recommended to the government to improve the reliability of the infrastructure development of border area, particularly for housing infrastructure projects, transport, energy and clean water. Keywords: border area, infrastructure, articulation, stakeholders 1. INTRODUCTION One of the priorities is to support the development of national strategic area, including the border area, the outer islands and tourist area as set out in the national medium-term development plan (RPJMN) 2010-2014. National strategic area needs to be supported by various sectors in order to stimulate the growth of surrounding area and the surrounding area can be developed and less limp. Public works infrastructure that includes roads, infrastructure, settlements and clean water resources, becoming one of the important components in the economic development efforts of the area as well as the reduction of disparities between area. Figure 1. RTRW Sanggau District As a national strategic area, border area and outer islands designated as a national strategic area that needs to be supported by physical infrastructure in order to achieve area-forming structure to support the existence of economic functions, social and national defense. While tourism as one of the area's economic powerhouse also provide a strategic function as a growth center in the national and areaal development. For general particular difference of field infrastructure for housing, public demand for access to basic infrastructure that includes residential drinking water infrastructure, sanitation, solid waste, the basic means of settlement and arrangement of buildings. 2. LITERATURE REVIEW Kalimantan border area has a very strategic location, because it is located in the midst of the territory of Southeast Asian countries, and is flanked by two international shipping lanes, the South China Sea and the Celebes Sea / Sulu. The strategic role of Kalimantan border area apart as a security belt, is also the gateway and the image of the nation. Moreover, with large forest resources within the scope of the global environment, this area is a buffer zone and the lungs of the world. Kalimantan border area, is currently the border area whose interaction with the large neighboring countries, both in terms of trade, labor and cross social relationships and kinship. The strategic position held Kalimantan border area has not been well explored for public welfare and national income for his role as a security belt is very prominent which are necessary at that time. This resulted in the border area of Indonesia neglected and regarded as an area that should be kept secure. With the condition, remote and limited facilities and infrastructure while dealing with residential area which have good infrastructure and human resource capacity is high, then there is an unequal socioeconomic relations. This condition, if left unchecked, will cause adverse effects, particularly the image of Indonesia is getting worse in the international world. 3 RESEARCH METHODS The research collects secondary and primary data. The primary data were collected by focus group discussion, interview, and questionnaires approach. The interview aimed to reveal the opinion of government and people about infrastructur capacity and services in Entikong border area. 3.1. The Secondary Data Secondary data were collected from literature references and consist as follow: 1) Policy which applied on borders area from various organizations; 2) Master plan of Land-use on borders area; 3) Master plan of borders area development; 4) Characteristic of social economic information; 5) Previous research which related topic on boders area; 6) Investment and financing on border area development; 7) Existing infrastructure performance (settlement, transportation, energy, and clean water) and community of border area; 3.2. The Primary Data The primary data were collected by means of interviewing questionnaire and focus group discussion. Respondents who interviewed comprises of community at border region. The total number of respondents have been interviewed are 300 persons and consists of 150 persons in sub-district Entikong and 150 persons in sub-district Sekayam. Respondents were questioned their opinion about imaginary condition offered which called stated preference method. This method measures the response of community according to questionnaires. Primary data directly collected from community consist of: 1) describing the perspective opinion of existing infrastructure; 2) describing the perspective opinion of existing for possibility infrastruscture enhancement; 3) observing the characteristic of infrastructure situation; Primary data has also been collected from organization which relates with border development area, government officer, experts, and border area and infrastructure development stakeholders. From stakeholders are gained information to determine level policy priorities for public utilities/ infrastructure. 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 4.1.The discussion of Government’s perspective 4.1.1. Causes of Weak Condition of the BorderArea. a. The border areas far from the center of government, causing control range (span of control) and the government control of the border region is very weak. b. There are still some segments of the boundary (land and sea) is problematic (there is no agreement of both parties). While it already confirmed that the boundary line measured and the boundaries have not laid down by law. c. Limited ability and the power of border security officers led to weak prevention, containment and elimination activities encroachment and crimes that occur in the border area. d. Rough terrain and away from the border areas of administrative centers and resettlement, providing great opportunities the border crimes. e. Lack of activity in the border region. Border residents very rarely causes low activity of the population even in inland areas the land border and sea border areas located far away from inhabited islands is absolutely no activity. 4.1.2. Management Approach and Border Area Development. Based on the perspective of management and development of border areas, issues and problems of borderline and the outer islands include: a) Community Economic Conditions Social Life • Poverty due to the isolation of borderline region to trigger the high cross border to improve the community's economy • Gaps infrastructure orientation region triggers the community's economy • Do not create linkages between socioeconomic clusters either cluster or clusters locals assisted management of natural resources in the border region. b) Capability and Capacity Management of Potential Areas • Natural resource management is not coordinated between actors so as to encourage the exploitation of natural resources are detrimental. (eg illegal logging). • Management of protected areas across the country have not been integrated into the program of bilateral cooperation between the two countries. c) Defence and Security • Strategic positioning in the field of security and politically vulnerable because of the lack of legal border crossings agreed. • The escape border regions of the country due to the damage stakes limit (loss of national territory). • Legal certainty in the operation of an agency in the development of the border region is still weak. • The existence of a problem or interruption of bilateral relations between the neighboring countries as a result of events related to both security and political aspects, as well as violations in the management and exploitation of natural resources across national borders, both land and marine natural resources. 4.2. The discussion of Community’s perspective To determine community’s opinion against the settlements and supporting infrastructure (transport, energy and water) that has been received so far, and the desire / hope for the future society. Survey carried out in several locations in the border area of sub-district Entikong and Sekayam. Results of survey as its shown in figure 2-13. Figure 2. Employment of community Figure 3. Occupying length of shelter Figure 4. Reasons for choosing a place to stay Figure 5. Home ownerships Figure 6. House inadequate Figure 7. House needs to be improvement Figure 8. Cost of the required Figure 9. Settlement infrastructure services Figure 10. Transportation infrastructure services Figure 11. Energy infrastructure services Figure 12. Clean water infrastructure services Figure 13. Capacity improvement and infrastructure services desirable 5.CONCLUSION Development in the border area requires a welfare approach and environment, in addition to the security approach. Example: Construction of roads parallel border and estate development along the border. Construction of a parallel road has dual functions Improve border security and border opened isolated inland area. As well as improving the economy. Plantation development along the border area of 5 ha / household for the welfare and can also suppress the dependence of society on the border of a neighboring country (today many are working illegally over there / Sarawak). 6.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The main financial support from the Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of National Education Indonesia by Hibah Strategis Nasional 2014 is gratefully acknowledged. 7. 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Fitri Suryani, ST. Trikariastoto, Ita Reinita Hadari