Impact Of Antioxidant On Biodiesel Against The Formation Of A Deposit With The Droplet Method On A Plate Into A Hot Chamber
Oxidation and polymerization occurs due to a presence of unsaturated fatty acid chains and the double bond in the parent molecule of biodiesel, which immediately react with the oxygen as soon as it is being exposed to air. Fuel tested by hot chamber deposition test rig. When the increase in temperature also occurred several phenomena, such as the transition boiling regime and the emergence of a fire at high temperatures. The addition of additive antioxidant BHA and BHT in biodiesel, evaporation profile was comparable to the amount of the deposit produced. Auto-ignition temperature of BHT higher than BHA. This proved BHT at an equal concentration to BHA less effective on decreasing of deposit. PG may have a different mechanism so that the evaporation profile was not comparable to the amount of the deposit produced. Possible compounds produced an important role in the amount of the deposit. In terms of deposit formation, PG was the best additive in preventing deposit.
Muhammad Taufiq Suryantoro, Bambang Sugiarto, Rizqon Fajar, Bintang Samudra, Daniel Chistian, Zufarizal