A Statistics Study Of The Impact Of Reducing Construction Waste In Green Building

It is well documented that the human from many irresponsible acts and activities contributes in environment pollution, which deteriorating the environment. One of the major elements of pollution is the increase of wastes in the construction activities that leave behind them millions of tons of wastes worldwide either through dumping them in the rivers or seas, or in nearby locations. The result is destroying the ecological integrity because constructions require space and destroy natural resources while at the same generate wastes. This waste contribute to huge amounts of pollution and the emission of the harmful gases like CO2 and the methane from the degradation of the wastes The methodology used in accomplishing this study is the descriptive and analytical. The statistical and analysis study in this work contains two parts, one for real and accurate values taken from gravel supplier, and it represents the best quantity amounts for each gravel type to standardize fully green building project. The other part contains real values is for different gravel types form the same company but for non green building. The results of the case study showed that the total rubble (m3) during the construction for the period 2010 & 2011 is very low in the green building, while it was very high in non green building, which resulted in high cost, and loses of time.
Ghani Albaali