5TH International Congress on Technology - Engineering & Science - Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia (2018-02-01)

Estimating Media Impact Of Municipal Goverment Planning Using Topic Model

Information Technologies has been changing behaviour of social communication. Indonesia is one of the largest country in Asia also is experiencing same impact. It is known that the purpose of Internet in Indonesia is to access news and information through media mainstream. Therefore, news could be reflected about how important information in society. Indonesia government attempt to increase tourism but it difficult to analyze impact of these actions. Even more the development of technology causes the increasing speed of retrieve and collaboration news in media mainstream with Internet. It is a huge task for government to analyze impacts in media such as news on internet to measure effectiveness from program or activities planned by planning document. Based on these problems then this paper presents the methodology to extract information in one news with topic model and for increase quality of methodology it will be combined into Word Embedding to find similarity to another word. This methodology can be used to analyze news in media mainstream based on extract information from the topic .
Andreas Hadiyono, I Made Wiryana, Suryadi Harmanto