Hazard Of Decrease In Rice Production Due To Climate Change In The Karawang West Java

One of the factors causing the decline in rice production is the impact of climate change. Research on hazard decline in rice production due to climate change has been implemented in the area of Rice Production Center in West Java. This study aims to assess the level of hazard of the decline in rice production and identify areas that hazard level of the decline inrice production at high or very high level. Research methods using survey, interviews, public hearings, and the collection of data from some relevant sources. The results of this study are presented in the form of spatial maps using GIS software. The results of this study indicate that to some extent in the area of Rice Production Center in West Java has experienced climate change shown by the changing patterns of rainfall, rain day, the distribution of annual rainfall, and annual rainfall has decreased tendency that there are some areas become drier as the Lelea and Lohbener Subdistrict. Hazard of the decline in harvested area of paddy rice in the area of Rice Production Karawang West Java average of 77.0 ha per year.While hazard of the decline in rice production in the region average of 926.1 tons per year. In the area of Rice Production Karawang West Java decreased harvested areaof paddy rice above 100 ha/ year occurred in the Pangkalan, Teluk Jambe Barat, Cilamaya Kulon, Tirtajaya, and Batujaya (Karawang District. In the region decreased rice production over 1000 tons/ ha occurredin the Teluk Jambe Barat, Banyusari, Telagasari, Karawang Timur, Rawamerta, Kutawaluya, Pedes, Tirtajaya, Batujaya, and Pakis Jaya (Karwang District).
Keywords: Climate change, Hazard, Production, Rice

Ruminta Roem, Agus Wahyudin, Joko Wiratmo