5TH International Congress on Technology - Engineering & Science - Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia (2018-02-01)

The Contribution Of Extension Service Delivery On Agricultural Based Adaptation Practices To Climate Change Impact In Nigeria.

Abstract Farmers in Nigeria are continuously facing climate variability and it is anticipated to have devastating impacts on agriculture and land use. Recently adaptation dominated the international climate debate and the focus was centered mainly upon improving the capacity of developing countries like Nigeria to adapt to climate change impact. It will be one of the great tasks for agriculture to increase the productivity of land-based production systems on the basis of limited resources such as fertile soil and water while minimizing environmental impacts on maintaining, regulating and supporting ecosystem. Therefore intensification to increase productivity per unit of land area becomes even more challenging when considering climate change impact, which will rapidly alter the conditions under which agricultural systems are managed. The paper discussed the contribution of extension towards agricultural adaptation to climate change impact in North-central Nigeria. It identified the evidence of climate change in Nigeria and described the adaptation strategies towards the climatic impact. The paper also explored the contribution of agricultural extension services in climate change adaptation. The challenges facing agricultural adaptation to climate change were also discussed. The paper suggested some recommendations on efforts of the government should include; rural micro-credit schemes improved extension service delivery and human capital development. Keywords: Agriculture, adaptation, Climate change, Extension, Farmers, Impact.