5TH International Congress on Technology - Engineering & Science - Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia (2018-02-01)

Effect Of Wavelength And Organic Agriculture On Reduce Oxalate Accumulation In Tomato Fruit (lycopersicon Esculentum) Mill.

A field experiment was carried out in Horticulture Department farms of Agriculture College, Baghdad University, during the spring seasons of 2011 and 2012 to study the effect of colored plastic film on tomato oxalate accumulation under organic system. Split plot experiment in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with 3 replicates was adapted under low tunnels conditions. The means were compared according to L.S.D. test at 5% significant level. Two factors were studied, the first was fertilizer type (main plots) which contained of poultry manure 10% of soil volumeT2, cow manure 20% of soil volume T3, mix of half level of previous manure T4, mineral fertilizer T1 and control T0, the second factor was tunnels cover color (sub plots) which contained Clear C , yellow Y, red R and blue B. Results showed that there was a distinct variation in wavelength of transmission spectra, light intensities within each polyethylene that used to covering tunnels at Clear the highest level of light intensity, yellow, red and blue cover respectively, T2 and T3 increased plant branches for two season, R and C increased plant branches for two season, T2Y and T3C increased plant branches for two season, T2, Y and T2Y increased leaves number for two season, T2 and T3 increased Vit. C for two season, R treatment increased Vit. C for two season, T2B and T3Y increased Vit. C for two season, T2 decreased oxalate for two season, C and Y decreased tomato oxalate for two season, T2C and T2Y decreased oxalate for two season.
Wafaa Ali Hussein, Fadhil AL-Sahaf