4TH International Congress on Technology - Engineering & SCIENCE - Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia (2017-08-05)
IVRS Based Healthcare Monitoring System
To enable educated economically backward class people to access better medical facilities, through simpler technologies and encourage them to continuously monitor their health through IVRS. IVRS Based HealthCare Monitoring System tries to connect the service-minded professional doctors to poor people through an efficient and easily accessible medium. This system allows the doctors and patients to medicate and get medicated at their own places without the need to travel. Doctors can access a sophisticated web app to connect with the patient, which they are comfortable with. On the other hand, the targeted poor patients do not have provision to access the Internet. So, in this project, the patients use their basic featured mobile phones to access a simple and toll-free IVR system to communicate with their Doctors. Basically IVRS means interactive voice response. It is way of communication in which a programmed computer connected to a telephone number will respond based on our action (key pressing).IVRS is used here effectively between doctor and a patient as an intermediate. From doctor side he can communicate with the patients using web application. This makes both sides - doctors and patients - to communicate in a comfortable manner. The tools used are, • Twilio – provide IVRS • Bluemix – provide cloud storage which is developed by IBM which is used as backend.
Saranya Ravikumar, Samkirubhakaran M